The Epsilon Eta chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at Stephen F. Austin State University was founded on May 6, 1967. Now, more than 50 years later, our chapter continues to serve as real, strong women for both our national organization as well as in our local community.
We pride ourselves in holding the standards for our sisters high and for continuing to seek the heights in all that we do.
Something special to Epsilon Eta is the sisterhood that we share in our chapter. Behind the scenes of all of the photos on social media, we really are a group of women that work together to uplift and nurture the Real. Strong. Women. in each of us, not only within the chapter, but in the community as well.
Alpha Chi Omega was founded on October 15, 1885 at DePauw University located in Greencastle, Indiana. At a time when women were just beginning to occupy seats in college classrooms, seven female students were encouraged to form a women's society within the school.
Dedicated to advancing “the intellectual, social and moral culture” of its members, our Founders’ vision has grown to include our women’s Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, the National Housing Corporation and Pearl Stone Partners. Together, they serve more than 230,000 members in more than 140 collegiate chapters and nearly 200 alumnae chapters nationwide.

As a young girl in this world it’s so incredibly important to me to stand up for what you believe in and for what’s right, so when Alpha Chi Omega added the VP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion position to our board I knew that one day I wanted to hold that position. When I first became DEI I had no clue what was ahead of me, but today I can say it has been one of the most impactful things on my life.
Being able to educate my chapter and sisters about topics that I hold to dear to my heart is not only empowering but truly amazing to see the growth of our chapter. I am so so so thankful for my sisters and this potion for teaching me so many things about life as well as myself. This position has taught me just how important DEI is, and has given me a voice as well as field my passion for changing the world !!
- Rachel Gage, MC '21 VP DEI
COLORS - Scarlet and Olive
OPEN MOTTO - "Together Let Us Seek The Heights"
TAGLINE - Real. Strong. Women.

FLOWER - Red Carnation
PHILANTHROPY - Domestic Violence Awareness
BADGE - Lyre to represent our musical heritage and foundation