Dear potential new members,
It feels like just yesterday I was right where you are now. So excited to be done with high school, a little worried to start the next chapter of my life in a brand new city, and so eager to pick out my recruitment outfits because that meant I was so much closer to finding my home away from home. You are about to embark on the most exciting chapter of your life. I know some of y'all might be scared of the unknown of college, but I am here to ease those thoughts and turn them into excitement for your future at SFA and as a Panhellenic woman.
These past three years I've spent at SFA has been nothing but pure bliss, and Alpha Chi is a huge part of that happiness. Alpha Chi has empowered me as a leader in more ways than I ever thought was imaginable, and my sisters have given me a sense of confidence I never knew I had within me. The
girls behind those double red doors will become your biggest
cheerleaders, your right-hand women, and the first people to be there
with your favorite ice cream when days get tough. I never knew a love
like this could exist in a friendship before. Alpha Chi has given me a
support system, a home away from home, and opportunities I wouldn't
have gotten anywhere else. I never thought a sorority would take me this
far in my collegiate career and personal journey, and I'm so thankful Alpha Chi Omega gave me that.
My advice for y'all, when recruitment starts, is to picture yourself as who
you want to become in college. This is the time in your life when you can be anyone you want to be. Find the girls that will push you to become the best version of yourself and go to that home. When I was talking to the women in Alpha Chi, I was talking to strong, confident women who knew exactly who they were. That's who I wanted to be, and I made it happen! I encourage you to do the same thing during recruitment.
I can't wait for you all to start your journeys at SFA; I look forward to meeting you in the fall.
With love,
Colbie Balsamo
Chapter President